Last week the two largest dairy trade organizations, National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) and the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), together delivered a detailed proposal urging USDA to take immediate, comprehensive action to support the U.S. dairy industry during the COVID-19 crisis. Given that the milk supply exceeds demand by at least 10%, the two groups urged the Agriculture Department to use as many tools as possible, as quickly as possible, to bridge the supply/demand gap without creating any long-term market repercussions.
Dairy is just one of many sectors asking for financial assistance. The bottom line is that USDA does not currently have enough money available to address all needs.
We need grassroots support, pulling on all the political levers at our disposal, including contacts with state governors, congressional delegations, USDA and the White House. Please help amplify the dairy industry’s request by reaching out to your elected officials. If you need assistance with how to do this, please reach out to us.
Look this week for #dairyneverstops, a social-media campaign that underscores the urgency in adopting the milk crisis plan. Farmers are asked to share their stories and engage in discussion to create a greater awareness of dairy’s circumstances for policymakers in Washington and across the U.S.
Maryland & Virginia will be participating in #dairyneverstops, and we hope you will too.