Finding the Silver Lining During the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Joanna Shipp, Boones Mill, Virginia 2020 was a difficult and challenging year for most of us. The pandemic played havoc with the wellbeing of individuals, economic health, public education, and a myriad of other things. As dairy farmers, we have been on a roller coaster with the price of

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Joe Weber Calibrates For Success

He uses a laptop, a printer and a laminator. But the newest face you’ll see at Maryland & Virginia doesn’t work in Reston – he brings those items to you and leaves you with a new milk tank calibration chart. After the retirement of longtime tank calibrator Mike Kidd, Joe

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Turning The Page In A Pandemic

by Ellie Grossnickle A year ago, I would have never expected that at this time, I’d be preparing to celebrate my college graduation from home, sitting in front of the TV and waiting for my name to flash across the screen. I thought that in my final days as a

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Managing the Risks of the Milk Price Rollercoaster

The 2020 milk price roller coaster has more and more dairy farmers considering their risk management options. Maryland & Virginia’s August member webinar focused on the various risk management programs available to members through the co-op and through government programs. Katie Burgess, Director of Risk Management for Blimling and Associates,

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Members Help Connect Feeding Programs with Maola Milk

As our nation struggles to heal, Americans are going back to basics, and that includes grocery staples. Milk and dairy products have been high on shoppers’ lists as they do more cooking, baking, and meal-making at home. They are also highly sought by feeding programs serving those in need during

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Co-op County Fair Provides Alternative to Canceled Fairs and Shows

Maryland & Virginia has proudly sponsored and supported various fairs, breed shows and youth programs over the years. Given the numerous canceled events this summer, the cooperative is taking a different direction to support the youth and members who exhibit their cows at fairs throughout our membership region, by holding

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